The digital archive includes articles from African-American newspapers The St. Louis Argus and The Chicago Defender, and the FBI Trial Transcript.
The St. Louis Argus
In 2013, Florida State University student, Jessica Primani, discovered articles and photographs covering the Emmett Till trial that had been missing from the African-American newspaper, The St. Louis Argus.
Primani, at the time, had been working with Professor Davis Houck on an independent study project.
The recently discovered microfilm features articles on the trial as well as images including Till's brutally beaten body, scenes from the trial and exclusive pictures of civil rights leader Medgar Evers.
FBI Trial Transcript
The FBI Trial Transcript of the Investigation concerning the murder of Emmett Till includes more than 400 Documents. We have provided a link to the entire transcript.
The Chicago Defender
Founded in 1905, the Chicago Defender was one of the most influential Black journalistic periodicals of the twentieth century. The Chicago Defender provided the country and world with in-depth press coverage, an investigation of Till's murder case and their protest advocacy work that ensued in the years after. We have provided reproductions of their most critical reporting from September to November 1955.
